Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spread the Word to End the Word

For months now I've been meaning to get back to my blogging, but with Andrew starting school and then the holidays, I never seemed to take the time to do it. Finally, today seemed like the perfect day to get back to it.

I struggled all day with what I would write for this special important day...the beginning of a new outlook on those with disabilities. It's a cause that is important to my family and especially for Andrew. He didn't choose to be born with Down syndrome, and we didn't choose to have a child with Down syndrome, or any disability for that matter. But we were blessed with Andrew, a blessing that I am reminded of every time I look at him and see his face light up in a smile. My happy, happy boy who loves unconditionally and only wants to receive the same love in return.

I never really found the words, but they were found for me. Out of the blue I received an email from my sister with an attachment. I cried as I read the letter that she wrote, for I was again reminded of the love and support that Andrew gets from my family...the same unconditional love that he offers to everyone he sees everyday. Below is the text of the email and the letter that was attached. Thank you, Kate, for sharing this with us. Andrew loves you very much!

"Kim, My bosses at H&R Block let me put up a notice in the offices about the Spread the Word campaign. Attached is the little write up I did. Thought you might want to see. Kate"

Spread The Word to End The Word

On December 12, 2006, my sister gave birth to my one and only nephew, Andrew (or Spike, as I like to call him). Right away the doctors knew that there was something different, I say special, about Andrew. He has Down Syndrome. Andrew has had a tougher childhood than most kids. All the different milestones of learning to crawl, walk and talk have taken longer for Andrew and his speech is still behind others his age. However, with the love of my sister and our family, he has flourished into such a wonderful, exuberant and happy kid. This past December he was accepted into special education preschool where he is getting to interact with other kids his age in an environment that is the same as regular preschool. There are so many people who have been standing by Andrew and encouraging him every step of the way.

I am hoping that I can count on you to stand by him and others as well. Today (March 3, 2010) is this year’s start date for Special Olympics and their Spread The Word to End The Word campaign. The use of the “R” word has become too commonplace and needs to be gone from people’s vocabularies. I am asking you to please take 5 minutes out of your day and log on to and take the pledge to rid your vocabulary of the R word. I am also asking you to please pass this on to as many people as you can.

Andrew may be growing up differently than other 3 year olds but he deserves to do it in a world without hate, bigotry and discrimination. My family and I appreciate any support that you feel you can give towards this movement.

Thank you.


Kate Lewandowski
H&R Block-Sears Office

In addition to this letter that she posted at work, she also sent an email to all of her contacts asking for their support and urging them to sign the pledge. I always knew that I have a special family, but her actions confirm and remind me that I will always have their unwavering support and dedication to Andrew in his complicated and extraordinary journey through life. A life that is always celebrated in our family, and hopefully in the future, celebrated and respected everywhere.
Celebrate the day, and hug your kids a little tighter and enjoy the love that they give you!
Kim :)

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