Sunday, March 21, 2010

In Honor of Andrew on World Down Syndrome Day

My life would be very different if Andrew wasn't born with Down Syndrome. That day, December 12, 2006, changed my life forever. I have made connections with people whom I never would have met if it wasn't for the extra chromosome that Andrew was blessed to have. Three copies of his 21st chromosome...funny how something as small as that could change your life. My goals, now that he and his sister are a bit older and more independent, are to increase awareness and garner more acceptance for people with Down syndrome. It is not an illness and it is not contagious. People with Down syndrome deserve the same acceptance and respect that everyone else deserves. Leave me a comment if your life has been touched with someone with Down syndrome.

So, here is my 21 for 21...21 things about Andrew that makes him who he is...
1. Andrew has Down syndrome, which was diagnosed after he was born. It occurs in approximately one in every 800 live births.

2. If he knows you well, Andrew will always have a big smile and a hug for you.

3. If he doesn't know you well, Andrew will put his head down when we sees you, but will peek out to look at you to get to know you better.

4. Andrew loves to play outside. Whether it's running up and down the driveway or kicking a ball, he'd rather be out in the fresh air than inside.

5. Andrew's favorite breakfast is french toast made with cinnamon bread.

6. Andrew's favorite television shows are iCarly and Spongebob Squarepants. He could watch them all night if I let him.

7. Andrew loves going to school. He currently attends the special education preschool at Burr Hill Elementary School in Higganum, Connecticut, which is part of Regional School District #17.

8. Andrew's favorite activity on the playground is climbing up the slide and then sliding down.

9. Andrew can run, jump and play, just like other kid's his age. It has just taken him longer to learn how to do some of these things.

10. Andrew loves for me to read "How Does a Dinosaur Say Good-Night?" to him every night before bed.

11. Andrew loves playing with the water in the bathtub during his bath, but he hates when I pour water over his head when I wash his hair.

12. Andrew loves his John Deere tractor. He rides it in a circle in the driveway.

13. Delayed speech is a common issue in children with Down syndrome, due to low oral muscle tone. Andrew has learned some words that we can understand including mama, dada, help, pineapple, hi, bye, yeah, i do. He learns more words everyday, including some of the colors. Most of the time, only his family can understand what he is saying, but with more practice and development of his oral muscles, everyone should be able to understand him.

14. Andrew has also learned some sign language to help him communicate with others. He knows the signs for many common words that he needs to use in school, including more, play, thank you, yes and no.
15. Andrew usually gets along well with his younger sister, Hailey. They do play nicely with each other most of the time, but they do push each other occasionally. Sibling rivalry is still the same as with any siblings.
16. Andrew hates getting hair cut, the same as many other 3 year olds.

17. Andrew has taught all of us to enjoy the simple things in life...the fascination of a ladybug crawling across the table, the delight in watching water flow down the driveway. It's the memories that we are making together, the moments that we enjoy each other that are more important than getting the chores done.

18. During Andrew's first three years when he was in the Birth to Three early intervention program, he tried so hard to learn the basic skills that typical children seem to learn so easily. Crawling, walking, and climbing stairs were always so hard for him and the tears that we cried during therapy sessions were heart-wrenching. But, when it was over, he would look up at us and smile, and we would smother him with kisses--his reward for trying so hard. We still do the same today when he works and learning a new skill that is difficult for him.

19. Andrew loves his "Rizzie" mother.. He likes to work with her in the kitchen and she has been teaching him how to roll out dough to make pot pies and cardamon bread. And, he loves playing in her big bin of flour!

20. Andrew also loves his "Grammy" mother-in-law. She buys him most of his clothes and books. He loves for her to read to him and she enjoys all of his creations in his play kitchen, including his!

21. Andrew is more alike his typical peers than different!

Some of Andrew's pictures appear in this video that my FaceBook friend, Lisa Smith, put together to celebrate the specialness of our children:

Also, for my first Wordless Wednesday post on Wednesday, March 24th, I will post pictures of Andrew doing "typical" preschool activities! Looking forward to talking with all of you soon!

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